Comunicato sulla guerra in Ucraina

L‘Associazione italiana di Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) fa proprio il comunicato del comitato direttivo dell’Associazione Europea di Digital Humanities (EADH) ed esprime vicinanza a tutti coloro che subiscono le terribili conseguenze della guerra, rivolgendo un pensiero particolare ai membri della comunità DH e ai loro familiari che in questo momento si trovano nelle aree colpite dal conflitto:
“In view of the aggression of the Putin regime against Ukraine, the European Association for Digital Humanities condemns this act of brutal disdain for international law and standards of the civilised world. Our Association wishes to express its full solidarity with the Ukrainian nation. We staunchly support the sovereignty of Ukraine. We call on all people of good will around the world to unite in protest against the unwarranted use of force by a nuclear power against its neighbour. In today’s world, “no man is an island” and neither is any country. Europe has already been in similar situations and as scholars and citizens, we must not forget the past. It is our duty as scholars to remember – and to make it quite plain that our protest is not aimed at all Russians. Indeed, we are painfully aware that our colleagues in Russia may be victims rather than willing followers. We call on the international academia in general, and on our digital humanities community in particular, to extend any possible help to our Ukrainian colleagues and the Ukrainian society”. (EADH)
OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Redazione (4 Marzo 2022). Comunicato sulla guerra in Ucraina. Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale: il blog dell' AIUCD. Recuperato il 19 Febbraio 2025 da